Joanna Yan
AP Study Questions
Review Questions – 1828-1876
4. What influence did the textile industry have on industry and society?
The textile mills proved a mixed blessing to the economically blighted South. They slowly wove an industrial thread into the fabric of southern life, but at a considerable human cost. Cheap labor was the South’s major attraction for potential investors, and keeping labor cheap became almost a religion among southern industrialists. (546)
9. What were the positives and negatives of Northern urban life? (Ch.25)
- Electricity, indoor plumbing, and telephones all made life in the big city more alluring
- Industrial jobs; factory centers
- Department stores such as Macy’s in NY and Marshall Field’s in Chicago
- Provided urban working-class jobs, many of them for women
- Neighborhoods were segregated by race, ethnicity, and social class
- No trash barrels/garbage cans
- In the city, goods came in throwaway bottles, boxes, bags, and cans
- Apartment houses had no adjoining barnyards where residents might toss garbage to the hogs
- Cheap ready-to wear- clothing and swiftly changing fashions pushed old suits and dresses out of the closet and onto the trash heap
- Waste disposal, in short, was an issue new to the urban age
- Criminals
- Impure water, uncollected garbage, unwashed bodies
- Slums
14. What major events occurred during the Polk presidency?
-Mexican War
-Manifest Destiny
-Wilmot Proviso passes House of Representatives (1846)
19. What were the different proposed methods of Reconstruction? (Pg. 75 in notebook) (Ch. 22)
- Lincoln’s Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction:
It decreed that a state could be reintegrated into the union where 10% of its voters in the presidential election of 1860 had taken oath of allegiance to the United States and pledged to abide by emancipation. - Wade-Davis Bill:
The bill required that 50% of a state’s voters take the oath of allegiance and demanded stronger safeguards for emancipation that Lincoln’s as the price of readmission to the union. Enacted specific safeguards of freedmen’s liberties. Iron-clad oath. President Lincoln didn’t’ like the plan. - Johnson’s plan:
It disfranchised certain leading confederates, including those with taxable property worth more than $200,000 though they might petition him for personal pardons. It called for special state conventions, which were required to repeal the ordinances of succession, repudiate all confederate debts, and ratify the slave-freeing thirteenth amendment. - Congressional Reconstruction:
A restored South would be stronger than ever in national politics. Before the war a Black slave had counted as 3/5 of a person in apportioning congressional representation. Now the slave was 5/5 of a person.
Key Questions 1876 – 1914
Glided Age
4. What were the negative effects of urbanization? Consider the boss system as well as life in the slums.
-Long hours
-Child labor
-Little pay
-Shared rooms (uncomfortable)
-Neighborhoods separated by social class
9. What were three positive and three negative effects of railroad expansion?
- Created more jobs, for each mile the builders were also to receive a generous federal loan, ranging from $16,000 on the flat prairie land to $48,000 for mountainous country
- Transportation
- Connected U.S.
- Expensive
- Loss of lives
- Corruption – money from government not used appropriately – Credit Mobiler
American Imperialism
14. For what reasons did America pursue imperialistic policies in the last decade of the 19th century? Why not before?
-October, 1989 – Treaty of Paris
a) Spain grants independence to Cuba
b) Cedes Puerto Rico, Guam, & Philippines to U.S. for $20 million
-Cuba left in chaos, McKinley sets up a military government there
a) Platt Amendment – Limits Cuba’s foreign interaction, establishes U.S. military occupation
b) McKinley decides Filipinos are “unfit” to self govern; U.S. crushes Philippine revolt
- U.S. “empire” stretches from Caribbean Sea to South China Sea
-Spanish American War opens the door to imperialism and internationalism as new U.S. foreign policies
- Roosevelt )McKinley assassinated) –“Open Door”
-William Howard Taft’s “Dollar Diplomacy”
-Woodrow Wilson’s “Moral Diplomacy”
-Lent money to other countries to trap and own them
-Roosevelt’s collarary allows U.S. to be world policeman
Progressive Era
19. What muckraking literature helped open America’s eyes to injustices? Were “muckrakers” humanitarians?(Pg. 658-659)
-Popular magazines: McClure’s, Cosmopolitan, Collier’s, and Everybody’s
-Waging fierce circulation wars, they dug deep for the dirt that the public loved to hate
-Roosevelt annoyed by their excess of zeal, he compared the mudsling magazine dirt-diggers to the figure in Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress who was so intent on raking manure that he could not see the celestial crown dangling overhead
-Despite presidential scolding, these muckrakers boomed circulation, and some of their most scandalous exposures were published as best-selling books
-Lincoln Steffens, launched a series of articles in McClure’s titled “The Shame of the Cities.”
-He fearlessly unmasked the corrupt alliance between big business and municipal government
-Muckrakers fearlessly titled their pen-lances at varied targets
-Some of the most effective fire of the muckrakers was directed at social evils
-Full of sound and fury, the muckrakers signified much about the nature of the progressive reform movement. They were long on lamentation and short on sweeping remedies. To right social wrongs, they counted on publicity and an aroused public conscience, not drastic political change. They sought not to overthrow capitalism but to cleanse it. The cure for the ills of American democracy, they earnestly believed, was more democracy
Foreign Policy
24. How did America become involved in World War I? Why did they enter on the side of the British? (Ch.30)
-Zimmermann note was intercepted and published on March 1, 1917, infuriating Americans, especially westerners
-German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann had secretly proposed a German-Mexican alliance, temping anti-Yankee Mexico with veiled promises of recovering Texas, New Mexico and Arizona
-March 16, 1917 – U-boats sink 3 American ships
-April 1, 1917 – Wilson goes before Congress to ask for war declaration
- Why did they enter on the side of the British?
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